+145% increase in sales during the Amazon Prime Days
5 min

+145% increase in sales during the Amazon Prime Days

January 7, 2022
+145% increase in sales during the Amazon Prime Days
N° Content

+145% increase in sales during the Amazon Prime Days


Ofmom is a company within the Hanmi Science group, the leading pharmaceutical company in South Korea for R&D investments. It specializes in probiotic products for children.
The integration of technology, ingredients, and production processes for the creation of premium products is a delicate aspect that requires extensive knowledge and experience in the fields of nutrition and biotechnology.

These are all elements that consumers primarily want to validate before even considering such a product. That's why Ofmom has chosen to use the endorsement of the family influencer community and mothers to highlight the validating characteristics of its probiotic-based dietary supplements.

To do so, they have selected a team of family influencers with a specific target audience of children, aiming to increase buyer intent during the Amazon Prime Days.

family niche influencer roundabout

Guidelines and content control

Since we're dealing with over-the-counter (OTC) products, it is necessary for all communications to be executed in compliance with Pharmacovigilance Regulations and for consumer protection.
Therefore, Ofmom's first real need was to ensure a process that could provide specific communication guidelines and verify the accuracy of the content. These are all elements that can be controlled through the campaign brief and dashboard on the Roundabout platform.

Identification and verification of profiles

Ofmom's products are dedicated to the specific target age group of children, particularly from 0 to 3 years old, which is categorized as the Family - New born niche on the Roundabout platform. Therefore, the first requirement is to identify profiles of mothers or families who have at least one child within the appropriate age range for the products and who, secondly, address and share the daily dynamics of children's growth.

Using the Roundabout platform, Ofmom's marketing team managed to build the right mix of profiles by analyzing them:

  • Qualitatively: Relevance to children's age, sector niches, themes, and storytelling.
  • Quantitatively: Performance, audience.

Full-funnel storytelling

The marketing team at Ofmom had the need to achieve immediate sales conversion, which is why they integrated influencer activity into the brand's existing customer journey.

Hence, the challenge was to control the production of content in a way that could guide the audience through the discovery of the products (awareness), their validated features (consideration), and ultimately lead them to explore and purchase on Amazon (acquisition). The storytelling employed by the creators further amplified the effectiveness of the message!

influencer marketing campaign goals roundabout
how much influencer cost roundabout

With the budget calculator, knowing the campaign cost was immediate even before starting. By selecting the campaign type and the number of influencers to involve, it was possible to have a clear and precise idea of the budget to invest.

influencer fee calculation roundabout

Through the Roundabout platform, it was possible to understand how to personalize the campaign, both in terms of the number of influencers and the content, in order to achieve the best results. All of this in a very short time! This step is crucial for distributing communication over time and, above all, for producing content that can also be used by the brand itself. In this way, the cost of influencer marketing was also offset by content creation.


The most important aspect of Ofmom's strategy was to select a team of Micro Influencers with the most relevant mix of niches.

To effectively execute the program, Ofmom's marketing team decided to use the Roundabout tool, specifically to:

  • Identify profiles in specific niches (mothers with children aged 0 to 6 months)
  • Analyze real and up-to-date performance
  • Avoid individual fee negotiations
  • Avoid contact management, contracting, and one-to-one payments
  • Provide instructions and addresses for product shipments
  • Align influencer PED (Post Engagement Deliverable) with internal PED
  • Collect and analyze the achieved impact
  • Have immediate access to original content for reuse.
influencer marketing platform roundabout

Valuable storytelling

With Roundabout, OfMom was able to get highly endorsed content in which brand values and products were conveyed in compliance with regulations and with the right dose of creativity.

Direct sales

By deciding to combine influencer activity with the Amazon Prime Days, Ofmom used UTM links to acquire and convert the audience immediately. The result? 145% of sales attributed to the activity of 5 Micro Influencers in less than a month!

At a strategic level, this initial test has certainly allowed the marketing team to understand three fundamental points:

  • which profiles convert the most and on what aspects
  • which calls to action (CTA) and conversion methods are most effective for each profile
  • what impact can be achieved by combining influencer promotions with national/international events (impact on the KPIs of the entire funnel)

The success of influencer activities is achieved through consistent analysis, tracking, and optimization. If you're still unsure about how to effectively measure ROI, here are 7 CFO-approved methods!

influencer economic impact roundabout

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5 min

+145% increase in sales during the Amazon Prime Days

January 7, 2022
+145% increase in sales during the Amazon Prime Days
Influencer coinvolti
N° Contenuti

+145% increase in sales during the Amazon Prime Days


Ofmom is a company within the Hanmi Science group, the leading pharmaceutical company in South Korea for R&D investments. It specializes in probiotic products for children.
The integration of technology, ingredients, and production processes for the creation of premium products is a delicate aspect that requires extensive knowledge and experience in the fields of nutrition and biotechnology.

These are all elements that consumers primarily want to validate before even considering such a product. That's why Ofmom has chosen to use the endorsement of the family influencer community and mothers to highlight the validating characteristics of its probiotic-based dietary supplements.

To do so, they have selected a team of family influencers with a specific target audience of children, aiming to increase buyer intent during the Amazon Prime Days.

family niche influencer roundabout

Guidelines and content control

Since we're dealing with over-the-counter (OTC) products, it is necessary for all communications to be executed in compliance with Pharmacovigilance Regulations and for consumer protection.
Therefore, Ofmom's first real need was to ensure a process that could provide specific communication guidelines and verify the accuracy of the content. These are all elements that can be controlled through the campaign brief and dashboard on the Roundabout platform.

Identification and verification of profiles

Ofmom's products are dedicated to the specific target age group of children, particularly from 0 to 3 years old, which is categorized as the Family - New born niche on the Roundabout platform. Therefore, the first requirement is to identify profiles of mothers or families who have at least one child within the appropriate age range for the products and who, secondly, address and share the daily dynamics of children's growth.

Using the Roundabout platform, Ofmom's marketing team managed to build the right mix of profiles by analyzing them:

  • Qualitatively: Relevance to children's age, sector niches, themes, and storytelling.
  • Quantitatively: Performance, audience.

Full-funnel storytelling

The marketing team at Ofmom had the need to achieve immediate sales conversion, which is why they integrated influencer activity into the brand's existing customer journey.

Hence, the challenge was to control the production of content in a way that could guide the audience through the discovery of the products (awareness), their validated features (consideration), and ultimately lead them to explore and purchase on Amazon (acquisition). The storytelling employed by the creators further amplified the effectiveness of the message!

influencer marketing campaign goals roundabout
how much influencer cost roundabout

With the budget calculator, knowing the campaign cost was immediate even before starting. By selecting the campaign type and the number of influencers to involve, it was possible to have a clear and precise idea of the budget to invest.

influencer fee calculation roundabout

Through the Roundabout platform, it was possible to understand how to personalize the campaign, both in terms of the number of influencers and the content, in order to achieve the best results. All of this in a very short time! This step is crucial for distributing communication over time and, above all, for producing content that can also be used by the brand itself. In this way, the cost of influencer marketing was also offset by content creation.


The most important aspect of Ofmom's strategy was to select a team of Micro Influencers with the most relevant mix of niches.

To effectively execute the program, Ofmom's marketing team decided to use the Roundabout tool, specifically to:

  • Identify profiles in specific niches (mothers with children aged 0 to 6 months)
  • Analyze real and up-to-date performance
  • Avoid individual fee negotiations
  • Avoid contact management, contracting, and one-to-one payments
  • Provide instructions and addresses for product shipments
  • Align influencer PED (Post Engagement Deliverable) with internal PED
  • Collect and analyze the achieved impact
  • Have immediate access to original content for reuse.
influencer marketing platform roundabout

Valuable storytelling

With Roundabout, OfMom was able to get highly endorsed content in which brand values and products were conveyed in compliance with regulations and with the right dose of creativity.

Direct sales

By deciding to combine influencer activity with the Amazon Prime Days, Ofmom used UTM links to acquire and convert the audience immediately. The result? 145% of sales attributed to the activity of 5 Micro Influencers in less than a month!

At a strategic level, this initial test has certainly allowed the marketing team to understand three fundamental points:

  • which profiles convert the most and on what aspects
  • which calls to action (CTA) and conversion methods are most effective for each profile
  • what impact can be achieved by combining influencer promotions with national/international events (impact on the KPIs of the entire funnel)

The success of influencer activities is achieved through consistent analysis, tracking, and optimization. If you're still unsure about how to effectively measure ROI, here are 7 CFO-approved methods!

influencer economic impact roundabout


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