Super niches and a mix of online and offline sales channels in the GDO for MD

Super niches and a mix of online and offline sales channels in the GDO for MD

January 1, 2022
Super niches and a mix of online and offline sales channels in the GDO for MD
N° Content

Super niches and a mix of online and offline sales channels in the GDO for MD


MD is an Italian GDO company operating in the hard discount channel. On the occasion of the opening of its Web Store, MD decides to launch and promote a new line of FSC certified wooden toys, designed to stimulate the imagination of children with safe and guaranteed products by the MD brand.

To do so, MD has selected a team of micro-influencers with specific demographic characteristics, to involve their audience around the themes of play, creativity, and family sharing. These themes, when told with full-funnel storytelling and by the right influencers, lead to the expected results. For this reason, MD needed to select profiles of specific niches, with a verified community and performance, and capable of producing qualitatively impactful content.


Identification and verification of profiles.

Since the products being promoted were aimed at the specific target of families with children aged between 3 and 8 years old, MD's first need was to identify profiles of moms, dads, and families with a fun and engaging communication style.

Using the Roundabout platform, the marketing team of the communication agency and the brand were able to build the right mix of profiles by analyzing:

  • qualitatively (relevance of the children's age, sector niches, themes, and storytelling);
  • quantitatively (performance, audience);

Generating online and offline traffic

Knowing that the Influencer Marketing channel should not be separate, the marketing team developed the strategy to integrate with the brand's pre-existing customer journey.

Hence the challenge of being able to control content production so that it could guide the audience through the discovery of the new online shop (awareness), the characteristics of the new line of FSC certified wooden toys (consideration), and then deepen online or offline in-store (acquisition).

The fit with the influencer profiles and the creativity with which they created the content further amplified the effectiveness of the message!

With the budget calculator, knowing the cost of the campaign was immediate even before starting. By selecting the type of campaign and the number of influencers to involve, it will be possible to have a clear and precise idea of the budget to invest.

Through the Roundabout platform, it was possible to understand how to customize the campaign both in terms of the number of influencers and the content, to achieve the best results. All in very little time! This step is essential to be able to distribute communication over time, but above all, to produce content that can also be used by the brand itself. In this way, the cost of influencer marketing was also amortized for content creation.


The winning strategy for MD was to select a team of Micro Influencers in the most relevant mix of niches and to define complete and precise storytelling guidelines.

To execute the program effectively, MD's marketing team decided to use Roundabout's tool, in particular to be able to:

  • Identify profiles in specific niches
  • Analyze real and up-to-date performance
  • Avoid specific fee negotiations
  • Avoid one-to-one contact management, contracting, and payments
  • Provide indications and addresses for product shipments
  • Plan the influencer PES to align it with the internal PES
  • Collect and analyze the impact achieved
  • Have original content immediately available for reuse.

Valued storytelling

Using Roundabout, MD has managed to obtain high-quality content with a strong endorsement, in which brand and product values were creatively communicated. In addition to defining the themes and communication mood of the content, MD was able to structure and manage a publication timeline, distributing content (Instagram Stories and Reels) over three days with specific call-to-action.

Funnel integration and economic impact

Thanks to the use of Roundabout, MD's marketing team saved €4k on the production of 46 pieces of content (videos and photos), optimizing costs by integrating the influencer strategy into the brand's entire marketing mix. The content was also used on the dedicated landing page, DEM campaigns, social media, and brand newsletters, obtaining all the benefits derived from the use of social proof.

economic impact influencer marketing

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Super niches and a mix of online and offline sales channels in the GDO for MD

January 1, 2022
Super niches and a mix of online and offline sales channels in the GDO for MD
Influencer coinvolti
N° Contenuti

Super niches and a mix of online and offline sales channels in the GDO for MD


MD is an Italian GDO company operating in the hard discount channel. On the occasion of the opening of its Web Store, MD decides to launch and promote a new line of FSC certified wooden toys, designed to stimulate the imagination of children with safe and guaranteed products by the MD brand.

To do so, MD has selected a team of micro-influencers with specific demographic characteristics, to involve their audience around the themes of play, creativity, and family sharing. These themes, when told with full-funnel storytelling and by the right influencers, lead to the expected results. For this reason, MD needed to select profiles of specific niches, with a verified community and performance, and capable of producing qualitatively impactful content.


Identification and verification of profiles.

Since the products being promoted were aimed at the specific target of families with children aged between 3 and 8 years old, MD's first need was to identify profiles of moms, dads, and families with a fun and engaging communication style.

Using the Roundabout platform, the marketing team of the communication agency and the brand were able to build the right mix of profiles by analyzing:

  • qualitatively (relevance of the children's age, sector niches, themes, and storytelling);
  • quantitatively (performance, audience);

Generating online and offline traffic

Knowing that the Influencer Marketing channel should not be separate, the marketing team developed the strategy to integrate with the brand's pre-existing customer journey.

Hence the challenge of being able to control content production so that it could guide the audience through the discovery of the new online shop (awareness), the characteristics of the new line of FSC certified wooden toys (consideration), and then deepen online or offline in-store (acquisition).

The fit with the influencer profiles and the creativity with which they created the content further amplified the effectiveness of the message!

With the budget calculator, knowing the cost of the campaign was immediate even before starting. By selecting the type of campaign and the number of influencers to involve, it will be possible to have a clear and precise idea of the budget to invest.

Through the Roundabout platform, it was possible to understand how to customize the campaign both in terms of the number of influencers and the content, to achieve the best results. All in very little time! This step is essential to be able to distribute communication over time, but above all, to produce content that can also be used by the brand itself. In this way, the cost of influencer marketing was also amortized for content creation.


The winning strategy for MD was to select a team of Micro Influencers in the most relevant mix of niches and to define complete and precise storytelling guidelines.

To execute the program effectively, MD's marketing team decided to use Roundabout's tool, in particular to be able to:

  • Identify profiles in specific niches
  • Analyze real and up-to-date performance
  • Avoid specific fee negotiations
  • Avoid one-to-one contact management, contracting, and payments
  • Provide indications and addresses for product shipments
  • Plan the influencer PES to align it with the internal PES
  • Collect and analyze the impact achieved
  • Have original content immediately available for reuse.

Valued storytelling

Using Roundabout, MD has managed to obtain high-quality content with a strong endorsement, in which brand and product values were creatively communicated. In addition to defining the themes and communication mood of the content, MD was able to structure and manage a publication timeline, distributing content (Instagram Stories and Reels) over three days with specific call-to-action.

Funnel integration and economic impact

Thanks to the use of Roundabout, MD's marketing team saved €4k on the production of 46 pieces of content (videos and photos), optimizing costs by integrating the influencer strategy into the brand's entire marketing mix. The content was also used on the dedicated landing page, DEM campaigns, social media, and brand newsletters, obtaining all the benefits derived from the use of social proof.

economic impact influencer marketing


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